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Leader In Me Stories



We Love The Leader In Me! 
Parents speak out about the amazing impact the Leader In Me has on their children enrolled at North Warren Elementary

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Leader In Me

     "Drake shows his leadership skills in many ways, he comes home after school to get his homework completed and then goes outside to play.  Drake enjoys helping around the house by doing chores.  I don't have to ask him-he helps load & unload the dishwasher, and plays with his little brother.  He just taught him how to throw the football correctly.  He loves to help show others about playing sports-baseball, basketball, etc.  In the past several weeks he has made a committment to his Papaw.  He mows his yard weekly and then cleans off the sidewalk and driveway.  He is really proud of his hard work.  Over the break, he helped his great grandparents by trimming trees, stump removal, and cleaning.  I don't have to ask him.  He volunteers to help others.  He is always thinking of setting a good example and sharing Jesus!"

"Briggs shows his leadership skills by cleaning his room and picking up his toys without being asked.  He plays baseball with the kids next door and he likes to help teach the rules of the game. He also thinks win-win at his Papaw's and Nana's.  He drives the golf cart and picks up sticks!"

"Luke is very active with helping his four-year old younger brother, Caleb.  He reads to Caleb, helps him tie his shoes, and ride his bike.  Luke volunteers to do household chores and sometimes asks to help prepare dinner.  Luke loves science and history.  He frequently teaches Caleb facts about our solar system and his favorite president, Abraham Lincoln.  Most recently, Luke has expressed to Caleb (and us) the importance of following the rules and taking turns."

"As a parent, it has been rewarding to watch my son grown in the life skills taught through The Leader in Me.  At six years old he is using its language in his every day vocabulary.  He "puts first things first" by doing his homework in after school before he plays.  He's become quite the negotiator in arguments saying things like "Seek first to understand. . . " and he loves to "Sharpen the Saw" and points out when others are using this habit.  He tells me often that he is "thinking win-win." And that is exactly how I feel about TLIM.  It's win-win teaching life skills in the classroom in a way I can re-enforce at home."

"Hayden always wants to complete her reading and practice her spelling words before she starts playing or doing other activities.  She puts her priorities first.  She always reads more than the recommended 20 minutes each night."

"We had a bake sale at church because Maddie and Ireland wanted to raise money for kids at North Warren who did not have backpacks or could not afford one.  They raised enough money to buy 20 backpacks."

"Briley volunteers to help with pets!"

"Jolly is proactive at home by doing chores without being told."

"One of Kal-El's personal goals is to keep his room clean.  Yesterday it looked like a tornado had gone through it.  I told him he needed to pick up his room.  Whe he huffed a bit, I reminded him that it was one of his personal goals in his Leadership Notebook to keep his room clean.  He immediately said "Okay" and then added 'I need to do a better job of keeping my room clean.'  He also uses his 7 habits in his everyday problem-solving and I have often been the recipient of ". . . this way Mom it is a win-win for both of us."  He even reminds me to "put first things first."  He has become quite an eloquent negotiator using the 7 habits as his basis for winning a "discussion." 

We have been so impressed with the Leader In Me program at North Warren Elementary School.  Our son, Eyan is a first grader in Mrs. Abston's class.  Over the last few weeks, we have witnessed proactive and responsible actions.  I have come home from work 2 times in which Eyan had cleaned his room and organized his closet without being asked!  He also took it upon himself to clean/sweep out the garage recently.  Eyan loves to have little jobs/chores to do but he has really shined these last few weeks, and we believe it is partially attributed to the Leader In Me program!  Thanks so much!



The Leader In Me Parent Guide

The Leader In Me Parent Guide